Dec 14, 2023Liked by Jamie Wheal

I'm a public school high school teacher of 35 years experience. This year I (and colleagues) have seen this from freshman to seniors, and it is mind-blowingly disorienting.

My class is reputed to be "challenging" and my goal has always been to prepare these kids that I raise during the day for the world they will be walking into in a year or three, so there's always been a fair bit of feeding out enough rope so they get dangly and then realize that they need to get connected, get engaged and get it done. This is the "growing up" part where you can get massively out over your skis in an environment where someone is still watching out for you and you have someone to haul you back or soften your landing. I also have a background in karate and actor training, so that sort of methodology suffuses what I do in class.

And it's always worked really well. Tweaks here and there. Learn more, do better. Ad nauseam.

This year, though, and I mean out of nowhere, the disconnect, lack of curiosity, inability to interpret/extrapolate, vacant to deer-light stares, and just a deep (and honest) incomprehension of the work at hand are off the bottom of the charts.

And on the other side, a small group of students that just crush it from day one.I

dunno, friends...it's big and it's scary. But a lot of us see it and we're working it as best we can where we are with the tools (and energy) that we have.

Thank you, Jamie, for the words. They matter, man; they matter.

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In my opinion, smart phones aren't the problem. The problem is that our cities are designed for cars instead of people. Check out https://www.strongtowns.org/ and https://www.youtube.com/c/NotJustBikes

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so...the kids would be alright if they just bicycled more?

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The name of the youtube channel "Not just bikes" is misleading. It's not really about bikes, per se. Cars are one of the main reason that kids cannot play outside unsupervised. Kids enjoy a lot more freedom in the Nederlands. That's what the channel is really about. Maybe another reason that kids are safer is the Dutch approach to criminal justice, https://www.positive.news/society/the-empty-prisons-being-put-to-good-use-in-the-netherlands/

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Dec 14, 2023·edited Dec 14, 2023

Jamie, I love your work and thinking but this parenting and tech conversation is far more nuanced. I have worked as a researcher, educator, clinician (and parent) in this space for well over a decade and the cross-Atlantic debate on this topic is rife with all sorts of issues on both sides. I'm not saying tech is all good but the converse stands in the same light. e.g. Gaming and flow, mastery and agency (as well as the trauma storytelling that can take place with and through and I use this in therapy for this purpose). I am just handing in my 5th manuscript to Routledge, specifically on this topic and the harms that we all face in this space (especially for parenting) and I have yet to read robust compelling research in either direction. Our tech is both a tool and a medium and taps into our attachment and needs and that is most certainly human... to the max.

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I grew up in blanco tx on a big ranch, lots of farm animals and bikes.. trying to raise my 4 year old son in dripping springs now and still have access to Austin, it’s tough though. I recently read all 3 books of conversations with god which has been life altering. I’m not sure where we’re going as a species but I try to acknowledge the perfection in it even if I don’t understand.

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Another great read. I get so much out of your posts, Jamie! Your hashtags are a hoot. Really appreciate the actionable, helpful slides you shared. I will be making some changes. Whew boy, the dross of addictive distractions is utterly next level now, and “addled” is a word that comes to mind when I look around.

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NSDR in Rules to Live By means ?? Thanks! Loved this one - so glad I forgot to have kids!

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Non Sleep Deep Rest. AKA Yoga Nidra, AKA napping without napping. It's all very Zen. Or biohacky. Can't tell which?

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Super! Many thanks!

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This is so true for me I'm a 23 and I really feel like Peter pan

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