And yet, the sun still rises and the birds sing.

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Dec 5
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And yet there's something divisive in the way you are going about this intention that may belie your own reality tunnel.

What I don't think you are seeing/feeling is what's righteous and true in the people and consciousness you are "debunking"

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"righteous and true?" Please tell us more.

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If we are earnest about breaking out of our reality tunnel (or verifying that it’s not a tunnel) then we must do the earnest exploration ourselves by listening to people we suspect are in their own tunnel and have conversations with them directly. Or better yet, walk in their shoes. I’ve done this, which is how I came to my belief that there are many things righteous and true there. In other words, I can’t tell you about the Matrix, you need to seek it and experience it for yourself, at least vicariously.

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I have a similar experience. The word "sonder" captures this - the only way to break out of categorizing people as just parts of groups is to dive into a pool of "others" to see that each individual's experience is still grounded in universal truths. My grandma is a classic Christian and can't really talk about larger ideas without framing them biblically - still she touches truths I see from my perspective as well. The map is not the territory- different maps may refer to the same mountain tops and valleys. So, tunnel crushing may not be the most compassionate way to say the larger thing - there is a territory beyond our maps.

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I don't subscribe to the faith claims of nobody. Thanks.

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Bodhi FuckBoi 😂 🔥

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Yes! And, just as thinking that "your side" would solve these problems is simply another version of of the same "psy-op" - I would add that so too is vilifying those who voted for the "other side". The only thing that doesn't play into the hands of the devils is the kind of unification and alignment from love, tolerance, and a deeper, more spiritual perspective on this whole infinite game.

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Jamie, your writing cleans my soul. I started following you 2016 or so, and I am so thankful for you!

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YES! Tempted to send to literally my entire contact list.

I feel the only prescription for how to act is to play the inside game and be as present, as kind, and as impeccable with my word as possible. Play the hands I'm dealt and then watch the show that is out of reach.

Welcome to the era of the dangerously accelerating absurd.

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Welcome to the reality vacuum! Wisdom must intervene, because suffering is a suck-ass alternative. Titanic propagandists and stupefied consumers of conspiracy nonsense is a recipe for … what is already here! Keep pulling back the curtain Jamie. We seem to be accelerating towards a precipice wearing blindfolds…

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Pure gold, as always Jamie - but this one has to be the best

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So awesome you used “ratchet” 🤣🤣

Possibly one good remedy to the douche-bro and new age interpretation of non-duality (aka “the matrix”) or anyone who is tired of their foggy cherry-picked concepts, I personally have found great peace and clarity in learning from teachers like Swami Sarvapriyananda and Swami Tadatmananda, both of whom, despite their exotic names, are just chill, common sense wisdom guys. On Swami T’s channel, there’s a whole “intro to advaita (non-dual)” that helped clear up years of my own social media memeified “spirituality” fog.

Any true non-duality guide worth their salt does not and will not ever bypass life, experience, and Earth (aka “the matrix”) and in my limited experience, it seems anyone who is truly “enlightened” (also a silly concept, from what I gather!) sees all of this- life, earth, and all the kerfuffles within- as “god”, or creator itself, and as true Self. And if that’s been firmly established, there’s nothing there but love and care for Self (aka “the matrix”)

Seems a lot of these bunny holes crop up when human minds create entertaining filler content around what they perceive as ultimate truth.

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Dude. Smoke show good. Fire. Props for the CJ Hopkins bit. Our kids won't know what hit them ... and Virginia Giuffre, you gotta be kidding.

Checkout: The End of Reality: How Four Billionaires Are Selling a Fantasy Future of the Metaverse, Mars, and Crypto by Jonathan Taplin. It's happening.

Pass the Mike and Ike's.

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yup, nicely put together, thanks for the read…

jon ronson has a wonderful podcast on how the gates / schwaab / etc / etc misinformation got so out of hand…things fell apart (season 2)…

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Wearing “mala beads… and Aladdin pajama crotch pants while bingeing Sex at Dawn” 🤣 Ok, 2010 me feels called out… 🙈

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Thank you Jamie. Riveting and eye opening and encouraging. I’m tracking the hypothesis that as some number of us humans get ‘there’ (Jamie, I believe calculated this number for us in another piece around network effect), that perhaps we reach another evolutionary trigger point akin to the launching pad that our ‘stoned ape’ ancestors reached (per Dennis McKenna). “There” = the field beyond right and wrong, freedom from the illusions of ego, the threshold that transformational poetry brings us to, etc…

So I’m all-in on running experiments to test this hypothesis in this lifetime. Maybe the next if I absolutely have to. Which is why I joined this community :)

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Mic drop! Sometimes the reading is distracting from the driving point, like the TV show LOST’s Easter eggs, but I love the many elements you connected in this piece. (One you left out is all the false light in the new age movement, filling up astral and emotional leaks in many seekers, not able to recognize what Trump/Musk is)

By observation, and many of my own conversations, the fake red pill jelly beans seems to have a placebo effect, keeping the illusion strong in vision despite evidence like your sources and others. Will they ever wake from the spell? Or keep doubling down?

Continuing to point out the fake revolution, while important, and done superbly well here, maybe needs to yield way to something of a plan / movement. The elite divide and conquer “us”, how do we unite “us” or at least build meaningful movements that can support the uniting whenever it does become possible?

The uniting at Bilderberg, amongst capital, tech, war, pharmaceutical, and political interests is quite high, two wings flying of the same bird.

Can ayahuasca activate some of the billionaires and millionaires to truly “do more good”?

How can we take a hawk eye view and prepare ourselves for the future opportunities, perhaps it’s a “real awakening / uniting” movement, or something else, before we are reduced to an effective choice of gradual consent to a surveillance deep state run by creeps or live in a cave?

In this realm we are connected to the collective so isolationism only works temporarily.

Would love to hear you weigh in on solutions / hope in a future article.

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