Best article yet. This. Is. Everything. Immaculate synthesis. Thank you and more please!!

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felt similarly

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Yep. I totally agree. Brilliant.

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The secrets of our evolutionary potential are encoded in our genetic patterning which is programmed/designed for the body to consciously incarnate the Radiant Light of which it is a manifestation and in which it is appearing.

That ancient understanding was/is signalled via the words:

Sat-Chit-Ananda Being-Consciousness-Bliss.

The template for that intrinsic potential is in the subtle anatomy of the human body-mind-complex. The seven primary chakras which are potentially enlivened by Kundalini Shakti Energy which (itself) circulates up and down (and thus energizes) the spinal column which is quite literally the Tree of Life.

A good but limited place to begin this understanding would be via the writings of Gopi Krishna beginning with his first book Kundalini The Evolutionary Energy In Man.

And the book by Arthur Avalon titled Serpent Power Secrets of Tantric & Shakti Yoga. There are of course many such references too.

It is of course somewhat fanciful to claim that we are still being affected by the Saints of the Axial Age. In fact it just aint so!

Never mind that since then countless thousands of such Radiantly Alive Saints, Yogis, Mystics and Sages have appeared all over the world, primarily in the East but even to a much limited extent in the West too. Some of the most powerful of such Yogis, Mystics and Sages appeared in the 20th Century.

As far as I know no Radiantly Alive Saints of the stature of St Theresa of Avila and St John of the Cross have appeared in the Western world for the past 500 years.

Why is this? It could be said that beginning with the European Renaissance the consciousness and mind of Westerners has been increasingly trapped in and controlled by the spirit-killing left brained paradigm pointed to and described with much detail by Iain McGilchrist in his book The Master & His Emissary.

The entire thrust/zeitgeist of the much hyped Western mind is to shut down this intrinsic (latent) possibility/potential. There are many taboos against anyone from becoming "too mystical".

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Organic Arugala my man, of the freshest farm to table sort. but still Word Salad Winner of the Week!!! (and stop crashing comments sections with barely related monologues. It's bad form)

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Someone has to win your weekly prize so thankyou very much for awarding it to me.!

I will endeavor to win it on a regular basis.

Someone has to upset your apple cart.

Speaking of Arugala or what is called Rocket here in Australia I have some every day with my salad, or in a green smoothie., most of the ingredients of which I grow in my garden. I always have some Arugala growing in my garden

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Why, pray tell is it bad form?

You did after all mention the important topic of evolution in your essay. It does of course take more than a few one-liners to even begin to explain and understand the complexity of this topic.

Please find some bite sized examples of remarkable human beings who, to one degree or another Realized something remarkable about the evolutionary potential of every human being.

Saints, Yogis, Mystics and Sages from the Hindu Tradition who appeared or worked (into) in the last century.

Anandamayi Ma

Shirdi Sai Baba

Swami Gnanananda

Swami Vivekananda

Sri Ramana Maharshi

Sri Atmananda Krishna Menon

Swami Muktananda

Swami Nityananda

Neem Karoli Baba

Sri Narayan Maharaj

Upasani Baba

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There have been countless examples of TITANS in the western AND eastern world over the last 500 years who would qualify as, "Radiant Alive Saints." St. Theresa and St. John are mythologies at this point. We have evloved since then and "aliveness" look qualitatively different than back then. My invitation is to look beyond the confines of traditional religion and spirituality to discover saints in every corner of our globe...

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Just beautiful Jamie. Thank you for your truthtelling.

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Not necessarily germane to Hoffman's paper and your points, but Navalny - not such a good guy? Or am I being taken in by fake news?

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It's not surprising that life has evolved devoid of "truth" - what's surprising is that a number of humans have elected to set down their ancestral right to fitness to seek something else. I hold no grudges against those stuck in the fitness game, it's only natural. But boy is the view of life so much cleaner when you strive to see the truth! It doesn't matter to me whether we can flip the script on truth v fitness - I don't think that's why Ghandi & Jesus tried. It's just the truth of truth, like Navalny shows, once you get a taste, there's no going back.

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Fitness was originally a scientific term, to fit in, like teeth have ‘fitness’ and just fit together.

Darwin frustrations even his examples were lost in translation as he wasn’t the bearer of so much other than telling of other scientists findings as a prolific social writer.

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Doesn't fit for the Israel Palestine conflict, where everyone is fully aware what's happening and who's doing the wrong thing , but we see it lastly when america (superpower) made veito against the Algerian project to make a ceasefire, here it's fbt and it's the most common reality , why here truth couldn't win? Or does America dies 1000 times ? I can't see that it's thriving , why we see babies get killed and we shut the hell up ,???

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Amen, sir. Amen.

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Loved this

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Great points Jamie, thank you. One tricky point is how one can decipher "my truth" or "our truth" from objective reality. As Carl Sagan points out, science as a candle in the dark is probably our best shot at finding "the truth," but human nature and desires can be enigmatic. One point you bring up has been a problem throughout human history. The point that rational and brilliant individuals with solutions to big problems don't get heard. The charismatic smooth talkers do, or those with wild controversial ideas. I would love to hear your thoughts (maybe in a future post) about if you see any ways around this, or if we'll always be stuck giving attention to the squeaky wheels.

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With you brother! Taking my steps toward truth and death. Hoping truth comes first. Stepping anyway!

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it seems to me that the hoffmanns conclusions must be flawed since he was testing for multiple variables at the same time (fitness and truth).

a real comparison would do something like this.


The All Truth / All Fitness guy

The Some Truth / All Fitness guy

The No Truth / All Fitness guy


The All Truth / No Fitness guy

The All Truth / Some Fitness guy

The All Truth / All Fitness guy


The No Truth / No Fitness guy

The No Truth / Some Fitness guy

The No Truth / All Fitness guy

what am i missing?

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did you read his actual paper?

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It's not always necessary to test one variable at a time in a case like this. Sometimes it's most revealing to unleash multiple algorithms into the wild to compete, since patterns emerge from repeated interactions and feedback loops that would be missed if isolating a single variable. An iterated Prisoner's Dilemma is a good example of this. That's how it works in the real world too.

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no, i didn't - i just read your post. but i guess, you're implying that i would find what i commented on? :)

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it sure sounds like the paper would provide that answer or at least comment in some way that resolves it ..let us know?

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Feb 23
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not sure "fitness" means what you think it means in this context?

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