Generally, I agree with what you've written here. Without reducing 50 years of adult developmental research too much (and stating the obvious), what we're looking at here can be understood through this four-level shorthand: It's about me (me-centric) -- think Donald Trump. It's about us (group(s)-centric) -- think Republicans and Democrats or any other groups on the planet that live through an us v. them perspective. It's about all of us (human-centric) -- think Ruth Bader Ginsberg. It's about all that is (planet/universe-centric) -- think Thich Nhat Hanh. Each of these can manifest in healthy or unhealthy ways.

The majority of the folks in the U.S. and on the planet who wield power remain mired in a group-centric perspective ... and they think they're right. If you want to understand Mike Johnson's worldview, "read the Bible." Yucking fikes, Mike! Which books, and what, exactly, is the worldview of the Bible. If you want true equality (and safety) for the best and the brightest, uninvite, cancel, and censor voices you disagree with on campus (Haidt and Lukianoff).

The infinite game doesn't begin to come onboard even as a possibility until an "all-of-us"/human centric perspective is available -- and preferably lived, not merely espoused. It is arguably inevitable from a lived all-that-is perspective.

As long as a majority of us continue to try to win at our finite games of choice, we all lose. Daniel Schmactenberger put it this way: "Stop trying to win at the dying game. And not just the dying game but the game that's killing everything."

Thanks, Jamie.

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yeah, trick is though, if we're waiting for a critical mass of boddhisattvas and Mandela/Gandhi types we're gonna be stuffed. Even the founding values of the American Experiment weren't broadly held by the bulk of white Americans then (or even now). So yes, it requires a higher level of consciousness to divine whats next (in civics as much as physics), but then we need to stabilize those insights in rule of law and cultural norms that outpace the developmental center of gravity of the masses. Get it right, and we bootstrap our way to the Good, true and beautiful. Stretch it too far too fast and we get fascist backlash and a retrenchment to darker ages...

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100% agree. And the questions remain, who are the "we" to stabilize the insights and how do we do it. Thanks, Jamie.

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I'm curious about how you see the work of Thomas Hubl on collective trauma figuring into this. I can't speak to the science but it seems to me that when you couple tribalism with people who've had their nervous systems highjacked by being sucked into long standing (or more recent) collective trauma fields, you end up with a very dangerous situation where the worst kinds of behavior happen. Or maybe it goes the other way... maybe it's being hooked into collective trauma fields causes tribalism/othering. Maybe nervous system regulation is the prerequisite to any kind of peace.

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why I wrote about a "Groove and Reconciliation Committee" in this book. We are too jacked up to process all the trauma without using some forms of ecstasis/communitas to get us to catharsis. Dunbar does good research on the San Bushmen using trance dance for exactly this. Sadly, many of the folks at that psychedelic EDM festival were likely exploring PULR values before getting killed

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Yeah yeah… I agree. Something that takes people “out of their right mind”. I’ve read your books but it’s been a minute. I might have to reread Recapture the Rapture. I didn’t remember that element in it but it makes a lot of sense that it’s there.

It’s so unimaginably sad that happened at the festival.

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Yes, this is exactly where to start. Reduce adrenaline, find safety in self to create safety in the world. I do this work through Decolonizing Time to Liberate Flow (from relentless systems of brutal productivity).

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Another word that comes to mind is compromise. Neither you nor me, but at least maybe we both half win. Why not? It's the most sensible path. Winning at all costs isn't winning at all. So how do we move that forward amongst "the best that lack all conviction?"

Great insights as always Jamie. Thanks for your continued dedication to spell it all out!

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So who does more damage - the authors from both ends of the political spectrum or their acolytes?

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Knights and Mooks all the way down in the Internet of Beefs...https://www.ribbonfarm.com/2020/01/16/the-internet-of-beefs/

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Thanks, that was a great read - love quality feudal analogies 🤘🏻

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