If you have the stomach for it, check out Anneke Lucas on the Belgian / European network of pedophile Satanists who abused and tortured her. Her book is “quest for love: memoir of a child sex slave”. Much of what she writes has been independently corroborated in legal cases. She does many interviews on this too. Amazingly she survived and is now a yoga teacher in California.

I think it is clearly all of the above: there is an esoteric or occult element- an energy transfer - even if the participants don’t know about it. There is some kind of inherent necessity related to Moloch / Ahriman / Satan… obviously we know about human sacrifices in culture like the Aztecs etc.

Similar with the Illuminati and Yale Skull and Bones: drunk kids from old families get into the club, swear a blood oath on Geronimo’s skull apparently, tell all their deviant sex secrets. They don’t think of it as an occult initiation, just a fun weird drunken hang out. But actually they are linking up to Moloch / Ahriman.

We might ask ourselves about Burning Man, too… clearly there is a powerful egregore / thought form created via the mass psychedelic use and ritual etc… demanding occasional sacrifices (Burners who run into the fire etc). I would see this entity as a dangerous Ahriman / Lucifer amalgam but, hey, that’s just me!

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we did listen to her stuff just this past weekend, funnily enough. Her personal affect seems sincere. Tried to catch the Euro politicians she namechecked etc. But any search of her is only YT and FB links and comments--there's no more mainstream validation of her story. Shoot me anything if I missed it.

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Thank you for this research and theorems Jamie.

In answering back to the Sorcha's question of "So What?" -> Whatever was the reality, the entire situation points to the power that sexuality has in this world and the complete lack of integration of this energy in Humanity, at least in a coherent way. I heard recently that over 1/3rd of ALL internet pages are Porn - so the current "akashic records" of humanity is most populated by the suppressed and shadow underground of this energy. And it makes sense - we all come from sexuality, it is an origin of being human, and therefore can, in energetics, be linked to divinity. Not to my mention, in my estimates, Meiosis (the sexual reproduction of cells from the previous single cell cloning of mitosis), is, in my tracking, perhaps the largest leap of biological evolution in our planet's span.

So, perhaps more interesting for the "so what" then "is dark sex magic behind nefarious global power," is the question of - if sexuality is a global superpower, and largely shadowed, how can we, who are existentially activated to consider our own personal and global evolution/continuance, be aware of, and personally, socially and culturally better unshadow this force and craft cultures of transparence and coherence with this great power? In all of my research, this alone is perhaps a lynchpin in a possible transition to a truly regenerative culture on planet earth.

I've seen this possibility best modeled by the Tamera Peace Ecovillage in Portugal, which I, Ian Mackenzie, and Julia Maryanska, spent 10 years making a documentary on (www.thevillageoflovers.com), and you Jamie spoke at out first planetary summit as part of our film launch last year (Thank you! and super wish you'd reconsider sharing with us/our audience again).

Synchronistically, it was actually Daniel Pinchbeck (commented above) who first pointed me towards Tamera (hi Daniel!), and Steven Marshank, (commented above) also has been an advisor to our film (Hi Steven!). Curious it is then, how life weaves us, which also begs some consideration around the perhaps unrealized power of Eros/sexuality, intuition and synchronistically as it constellates group fields... for if it can constellate a bunch of high power men to do pervy things and spy on each other in a Game of Thrones style power-play full of death and black daggers, then how could it possibly constellate some of us towards simply, more transparent and collaborative ends?

I'm sending this essay also to Ian Mackenzie (my co-director on the film), hoping he chimes in as well.

Thanks again for inspiring such deep considerations Jamie!

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What a great rundown of a seriously fucked up "structure" in a historical context. There's much to say but one of my lingering questions has been why didn't Ghislaine spill the beans? She clearly could have implicated Gates, Trump, Clinton, and a whole host of other major politicians and celebrities. But she didn't.

The only explanation, and I too will employ Occam's Razor here, is she was told she could live in prison for many years, or die there very quickly.

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I fear it is likely the worst one and here is why:

Our cultural hierarchy serves those who lack emotion (psychopaths). The psychopaths are the perverted naturally, because they lack empathy. They lack ability to feel much or anything emotionally. The separation of emotions from intellect in our systems basically gives everyone with psychopathic tendencies an advantage. So psychopaths inevitably end up as the most successful.

Psychopaths are drawn to the extremes because it must be extreme for them to feel it. Porn addiction is a good example of how slippery the slide of addiction gets for those who have have empathy. Now imagine how it much worse it would be for those without empathy.

For those without emotions large cities are the perfect playground. Cities contains the extremes of wealth and poverty. Where exploitation is par for the course. Their psychopathy does not stick out it and provides an advantage. Cities provide higher sensing stimulation. This overwhelm those who are more holistic in their intelligence and forces most average people living in them into varying levels of dissociation.

Ever wonder how the rich can can sleep at night when their wealth comes at the expense of others well being. Low empathy psychopathy. Our society has pathologized those that care. How much more jacked up can it get.

For the non-empathic their fellow humans are simply resources. A body that is human is no different that a body belonging to a cow. Another resource to be consumed.

Children are the most pliable resources because they are in the midst of the extreme conditioning our education systems perpetuate. And they lack the experience to understand what is appropriate. They believe and do what those with power tell them.

Most children have poor understanding of their sexuality because we do not explain how it really works. We hand our children over to system for sex education and it does not cover the feelings side of hormones. So they are ripe for the abuse pickings.

Our entire education systems is conditioning systems that serves those who have the most resources. It fragments and silos our intelligence (thank the ancient Egyptians for this practice). It oppresses our somatic intelligence so that we lose touch with out natural sensing. We let those in authority violate needs all day long in school. They don't need to touch us. They simply need to restrict us from meeting our own needs and knowing what our body signals mean. Eventually we loose touch with how our emotions really work, which makes us very susceptible to shame.

Our systems are steeped in shame. This is their main tactic for controlling us. Average as the ideal is is the main club they use to induce shame, especially for the most sensitive.

Through the use of shame (Which signals your expulsion of the group) and the suppression of our somatic intelligence we lose access to our big picture seeing.

Religion and Education operate on shame to keep us serving the hierarchy.

But shame is not a natural human emotion. Shame was created by hierarchy to keep slaves in line. The feeling of shame is so powerful it causes most people to break their emotions from intellect to stop the feeling. Unless you have holistic intelligence, then you get all pain of this process but can't dissociate like everyone else. (Then they sic the mental health professionals on you to drug and demean.)

The destruction between emotions and intellect creates psychopathy is some but for most it destroy their ability to understand their boundaries that would prevent their own exploitation. I could go on and on about this topic. But hopefully this is enough to make my point

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Yes to all you have said. And yes to this - Shame must change sides!

It is obviously a potent weapon, used against those who can feel, to keep them self-annihilating & therefore unable to fight back.

It is the narcissistic death cult of colonial capitalism, keeping us traumatised so that we suffer from collective delusion - especially of our learned helplessness/freeze/fawn responses.

We see the pathological behaviour of people like Elon Musk…& do what? We know these people are not able to spend much time in anything like our shared reality, and yet…what do we do? Instead of recognising that they are delusional and unable to participate in anything reciprocal because they have serious deficits in being able to see anyone else in the world as real, we say, ‘So what? ‘

Why? We know enough about trauma/ attachment/authenticity, the reuniting (coz it feels so good) of brain & body & spirituality to dial in the fuckery.

This is always my question…why aren’t the people who actually do know better, still playing by the abuser’s rules? Learned helplessness, that is part of our collective unhealed intergenerational trauma.

Why do we try to get ‘consensus’ with people who literally show us that they not only don’t want to ‘work with us’, but that it was never ever never going to be on their menu.

They want to dominate and win because malignant narcissists need there to be a loser so that they can ‘know’ themselves as a winner. They can’t measure who they are without other people. These other people need to be entrained and infected with the shame poison, which works just like Bertrand Russell’s slave to indentured servant to ‘work ethic’ which was the ‘mind-virus/mind cultural way of using shame as the updated external shackle to internal shackle system…which also lets them keep your hand’s ‘clean’ as their victims are acting out the pain they caused them. And the acting out the pain - as the actual victim…gets pathologised as the problem.

They hate the real victim, because how can anyone but them be the victim…the fairest victim of them all. The narcissist is both the eternal victim and the eternal hero, as unsophisticated as their psychological age - toddlers. That is part of the deal, someone else must carry their shame and pain, their shadow burden. And they want everyone around them to be likewise as corrupt as them, helps dispel any cognitive dissonance, rats of a feather…

What would happen if everyone just started acting like we understand thy enemy and just stayed firmly rooted down in reality. That we know that the response is to starve them of attention, stop being the oxygen to their fire, and then wondering where the burns came from. Stop playing a crooked game with people who cheat in front of our eyes. Unburden that childhood response that thinks, if we play perfectly then, if we play perfectly and do our best and care the most, then we can be magically treated fairly in a crooked game with cheaters.

Stop playing their wicked game.

For example, you are a reporter trying to get a response from a politician and when they hand you the shit, you just treat them like the game-playing toddler they are acting like and shrug and say, ‘I’ll just put down that you are incapable of answering the question’. Don’t fight, just speak reality without any attachment that you will ‘change ‘ their minds. You won’t, and it is not our job. Our job is to protect our freedom from people who try to take other’s freedom away. Will the pain-pusher’s like being handed back their own pain? Not one fucking bit, they pain PUSHERS. They hate their imperfect/weak/vulnerable qualities so much that they need other people to carry them, and then punish people for reflecting their own shadows back to them. That is their problem to deal with. Getting involved with pain-pushers is a trap.

First rule of narc fight club is, don’t get into the ring. Don’t fight - or JADE, don’t justify, argue, defend or explain. Don’t go into an asshole’s delusion to try to rescue them, you will get bogged down in their sand traps, which are tar sand pits. Treat them impersonally and clinically by not getting into whatever ‘content’ they are using as bait. If you know they are wrong, because you know the difference between right and wrong, go with what you know, and don’t bother trying to convince people - find your sparks, the people who are fun to think with & get cookin on creating all the good, cool things we could have if we learned to love and trust ourselves.

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Welcome to the rabbit hole of intelligence fragmentation. Let me help you get started.

It is not just learned helplessness it is actually much, much worse.

It the forced fragmentation of our holistic intelligence to only COGNITIVE in our education systems and corporate world.

This forces us to use our cognition for our primary way of seeing the world. This forces us all into the small picture perspective taking our systems uses to create silos and disconnect us (to varying degrees) from our big picture pattern recognition, prior memories, and the majority of our creative intelligence.

This forced fragmentation destroys our ability to understand our emotions and the payloads they bring. The more sensitive you are the more destruction your, now very loud and now useless, emotions will cause to your life.

We can thank Cartesian Dualism for this and the Prussian Education System for these horrors.

Hierarchy and competition is not natural. But by fragmenting our intelligence we loose our ability to access our sensing based big picture frame works we have developed.

Our enslavement is real and it done by our education system's reductionist approach.

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Great breakdown. I think scenario #4 is actually a whole lot likelier than any of us would like to believe.

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What's missing from this riveting tale is the reality that were there were plenty of live human beings on the scene who weren't central to any cult or "structure". I'm talking about the victims. Have none of them come forward to testify about, eg, the equipment or activities in the temple?

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An uncomfortable truth for our society is that a significant proportion of men would happily have (consensual) sex with post-pubescent teenagers if:

a) They didn’t believe it was morally wrong (ie would negatively impact the girls involved), and

b) They didn’t think they would get caught

You only need to look at the popularity of “barely-legal” porn, and the variation in the age of consent from country to country and over time, to see this.

There’s a significant difference between someone who is physically attracted to post-pubescent (but legally underaged) girls/women, and someone who’s attracted to someone who’s biologically a child (ie pre-pubescent). The latter is a very small minority, the former is a significant proportion of men.

There’s evidence that the dark triad (ie machiavellians, narcissists, and psychopaths), are significantly overrepresented in positions of extreme wealth and power. As such, they don’t necessarily care much about point a) above, and their wealth and power means they don’t need to worry too much about point b).

As such, we don’t need to look too far for explanations to explain why "it would be statistically improbably that there’s a critical mass of high performing pedos just waiting to find their people”. It’s likely that most of the high profile men associating with Epstein probably weren’t pedophiles per se (in the sense of being attracted to pre-pubescent girls); but rather, were the kinds of men who didn’t give a shit about the impact their behaviour was having on their victims, and were powerful enough not to worry about being punished for it.

The fundamental issue for our society in this story is twofold: we have people who are effectively above the law, due to their power and influence; and we allow psychopaths and sociopaths to ascend to positions of power.

(here's a confronting documentary that examines this question of "what is pedophilia?": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brEQWKXVhbM)

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"above the law" - or "extra legal" or "extra constitutional" is again, where the Intelligence agencies of nation-states come in. They and their covert operations, with "plausible deniability" means they are the state's agents to be the go betweens between the over world and under world. "By any means necessary" to win the bigger game. Aaron Good has written about this as "American Exception" or "American Exceptionism" if you prefer.

Having said that, they do work for others and these others are not necessarily or exclusively their immediate supervisors or bosses, e.g. the POTUS.

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A pedophocracy emerging from elite signaling for a certain segment of elites to distinguish themselves from the proles, and then evolving into an acquired taste—with the most taboo acts becoming blackmail-as-currency—makes sense; similarly, what may have been introduced as occult larping, eventually becoming a gateway to real darkness, does as well.

Curious—why write this now? Sensing a vibe shift?

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As I was reading this I was thinking, "I wonder what Peter Limberg would think about this?" - thanks for chiming in!

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Well, one reason is Trump was a big fan and friend of Epsteins, for starters. As Jamie pointed out in a previous post, Michael Wolf, author of three books about Trump, revealed in October that Epstein was the major source for one of his books.

That's KOMPROMAT with a Kapital K.

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Jamie, let’s for the sake of the thought experiment accept that your exercise in surmise is true, I am left with a distinct feeling of “So, what?” Some, or maybe most, or maybe all of it is possible. Perhaps even probable. As you accurately point out, this unsavoury cocktail (of children, sex, money, power, bored elites and the Mephistophean allure of dark magic) has been going on for a very long time. But other than the odor of tantalizing Lovecraftian occult possibilities and/or a complete vindication of QAnon theorizing, what I must ask, is your point?

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(within the confines of this essay), that there is a strange blackout/memory hole/lack of curiosity about what really happened there, despite large, visible and anomalous facts. (beyond the confines of this essay) Is our map of reality, power, good and evil accurate or in need of updating/expansion to better include undeniable realities?

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I'm game. Undeniable realities, such as what?

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Or perhaps to better phrase it, questions of reality, power, good and evil are as perennial as the grass and seemingly infinite in application. What other "undeniable realities" are you considering?

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Brilliant teardown, thank you for a thorough and thoroughly disturbing kayak paddle around the cesspool of hyper-aquisitors and their boredom-inspired fun and games.

One mysterious death I’d also consider: Stanley Eyes Wide Shut Kubrick. There are drugs that simulate heart attacks. And cannot be traced unless you find the jab site (between the toes, say). I saw such a scenario in can’t-unsee-it movie magic a few years back. Call me cinematically educated, or paranoid: a coin flip that always comes up heads.

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An accurate and entertaining accessment (as mostly always Jamie) I think you hit the nail on the head here, based on everything I know.

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God is a pervert, therefore we all are perverts. Some just forgot they are.

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There's an interesting documentary out about Victoria's Secret called Angels and Demons. It's about Wexner. There are those that *suspect* Wexner [who was tagged as gay for decades] is Mossad and is Epstein's handler.

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People who like holding power over other people-like holding power of other people.

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Jamie - thanks for writing this. Well done. Certainly plausible and likely through scenario #2, and possibly #3. Tying into your work and books, how about:

Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll.

Or, Power, money, and sex.

Or, MICE - Money Ideology, Compromise, Ego.

or, RASCL, Reciprocation, Authority, Scarcity, Commitment and Consistency, Liking, Social Proof.

The last two are acronyms used by the global intelligence agencies (CIA, FSB, MI6, and all the others) (FLOW Genome may have even worked with a few of them!) to summarize the tools of recruitment or how to influence and persuade home grown humans! Not to be confused with tips for influence and persuasion in writing, although the spooks know about that too aka propaganda!

As you mentioned, Trump 45's Secretary of Labor nominee, Alexander Acosta, just happened to be the presiding judge for Epstein's FL case and when asked about the light sentence said, Epstein "Belonged to Intelligence." Just like former Senator Schweiker said Lee Harvey Oswald had "the fingerprints of intelligence" all over him. Oh, and Trump and RFK Jr. just might release all the JFK related assassination files which implicate LHO and his handlers at the agency.

For the record, I am opposed to Tulsi Gabbard becoming DNI. Even I want to protect some of our secrets!

All the conspiracy theories in part have a basis in all the stuff our government's secret, covert Intel agencies do "on behalf of us all." Which one? Ahh, does that really matter? Given Ghislaine's Dad's (aforementioned Robert Maxwell) MI6 connection, and links to Israel, betting people say Mossad, but does it really matter which one? I mean, you list the usual suspects.

Kompromat is quite useful, particularly if, let's say MOST of the Elite share a really deep dark secret (your scenario #4) cause Epstein snared em. Like double check mate. Dead men tell no secrets or dead men don't talk. Check out David Bowie's song of the same name. And, you let certain secrets slip and you will die.

You can dig and find a former USMC general's wife describing scenario #4 cult involving her husband and other high level military. I watched it ten years ago, and haven't bothered to search again or see if there is more to it, I mean why bother when I have QAnon and pizza gate! After reading this, I may have to go search for it again.

The stuff Intel covert ops do is made to look like magic because in many cases it is - see the movie The Sting, which was based on the book The Big Con, which also happened to be required reading for CIA Intel Officer training.

There are indeed endless curtains to look behind or maybe Alice's looking glasses will come in handy.

Now, back to all these "drones" flying about that nobody has an explanation for and for which we should not worry about...

Here's one to write about - maybe the extraterrestrials (or Non-human Intelligence if you prefer) will save us soon?! Or, or, use us as their sex slaves!?

And to finish off where I began, let's include a live version of one of my favorite songs from one of my favorite bands, the Rolling Stones, with Loving Cup.


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ripping Montreaux version! Phish went on to cover this and intro it to another generation...

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