Putting a "heart" on this post feels a bit silly. Shame subtack doesn't have a "foreboding doom" reaction option. Nevertheless, appreciate you for tracking these patterns and helping us do the same #hardtimesindeed

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Yes! That! And what else? Are we still curious? Or satisfied with a sense of certainty? For, in these days, I’m wary of conversations that say “this side, not that side”. Yes the canary is dead. Are we simply running, reducing, “generalizing”, because fear? Or do we still have room to take in the full data set?

Because, like you said, most of the time, reality is too complex and chaotic for us. Most of us stay in left hemispherical thinking and are unable to flow between the two hemispheres (Iain Mcgilchrist)

I’d love to hear your story on how this topic/conversation moves between certainty and the uncomfortable uncertainty of “what if the other thing I never considered?”

Put another way, if most of the time, we abstract, we generalize. Then what do we do sometimes?

Thank you Jaime

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When something happens (good or bad) that makes more of something (good or bad) happen which makes more of the first (good or bad) thing happen and you get an ever growing cycle, that's a POSITIVE feedback loop. Even if it's negative stuff that's happening.


Here's negative feedback.


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Solutions? On the other side of our atmosphere is the largest heatsink at 0Kelvin ....

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Jamie... I had no idea that photosynthesis ceases at a certain temperature. That changes my whole perspective about our impending doom. Sometimes I wonder if a nuclear war and the resulting nuclear winter might be a good thing for the planet after all. SMH. What have we done :(

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So.... the world we knew is gone. But it seems to me there is still (just, maybe) time for us to craft the culture of the world to come. And this means becoming a lot more aware of our values - of *why* we do what we do. Because we all know we are not born to just pay bills and die, but nonetheless, we inhabit a world in which who dies with the most toys wins - and we still laud the people who pay the biggest bills.

So we're in a spiritual crisis, and the religions that propped up extractivism are not going to get us out of it. Our ancestors were innately connected to the web of life. The question now would seem to be 'how do we most swiftly reconnect with the web of life in ways that allow us all to ask, 'what do you want of me?' and respond to the answer in real time - authentically, with integrity, full-hearted, strong-hearted, clear-hearted, open-hearted' - that would be the work. Worth heading for, I think?

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Worse news: the seed bank canary has been dead since 2017 (when flooding occurred there for the first time). Yeesh.

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🤯…thank you for putting those seemingly disparate geographies together to land on that “wake up” call conclusion

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