Happy Independence Day!
In honor of this momentous birthday and on the heels of the first Presidential Debate of this election year (which left most Americans baffled as to why we’re being forced to choose between two absurd options) thought we could explore a third way…
What would it look like to get past our current cultural logjams and lousy leadership and reclaim some middle ground?
Because never forget this mind boggling fact!
90% of the digital content we all consume is created and shared by 10% of the most extreme people out there.
That’s 5% on the Far Left, and 5% on the Alt-Right.
A parallel study showed that those 5% ers also skew heavily into Dark Triad personalities.
To recap: the 10% of the populace that are most likely to be Narcissists, Machiavellians, Sociopaths and Authoritarians are the ones filling our feeds with a distorted illusion of what the other half is “really” thinking.
In reality, there’s an invisible, almost voiceless Super Majority of 80-90% of the population that are way closer together than any of us would imagine.
But this chunk of “Middle Americans” often feel that their values and interests are ignored by left-leaning political movements and Alt-Right movements both.
The Far Left has articulated increasingly divisive, abstract memes (like intersectionality, erasure, fragility, patriarchy and privilege) which simply cannot compete on the visceral bumpersticker level where our political conversations are usually taking place.
At the same time, Far Right political movements have co-opted many of the strongest memes in the American tradition––Honor, Duty, Courage, Sacrifice, Faith and even the word ‘Patriotism’ itself.
They are weaponizing these traditional values to persuade otherwise reasonable citizens that their interests are best reflected and protected by an increasingly White Christian ethno-nationalist agenda.
As a result, we have a hollowed out Middle America––economically and politically, but also ideologically. And we’re in more danger of losing the entire American Experiment than anytime since 1860.
Otherwise moderate citizens are being pulled to the Far Right and Far Left because no one is articulating a Big Tent patriotism that can include them all.
What would it mean to double down on the founding intentions of the American Experiment and commit to becoming Born Again Patriots?
Think of “Born Again Patriots” as memetic judo–mashing up the evangelical notion of being “Born Again”with the concept of Patriotism.
Catnip for conservatives, subversively intriguing for Progressives.
It addresses hot button Conservative wedge issues (like abortion, guns, borders and oil), and acknowledges the legitimate truths within those stands.
It then deepens that stand (rather than attacking or dismissing it) to include Progressives and their values.
(Note before you begin reading: The goal here is to reach out from the Blue cities on the coasts to connect with the moderate middle everywhere else. If you skew Progressive, you may well run up against turns of phrase that trigger you in what follows. That’s 100% on purpose!
But keep reading and look for the judo move that takes the energy of a strongly stated traditional value that is then flipped into a more inclusive moral stand.
If this list is calibrated halfway decently, it should leave a majority of folks slightly uncomfortable. That’s how democratic consensus ‘might’ get forged.
Here goes, comments, suggestions and shrieks of outrage all welcome!
We, the People
In order to form a more perfect communion, hold these truths to be self evident…
We are Patriots who support Life, States Rights and a Free Market.
We Support our Troops and stand for Pro-Marriage and Family Values.
We believe in the Melting Pot, the American Experiment, Energy Independence, and Public Lands.
We believe that America, while imperfect, remains the greatest country on earth and must stand as a protector of liberty and justice around the world.
We believe in the American Experiment--that life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are inalienable rights extended to all people regardless of race, color, creed or gender.
We believe in checks and balances between states and federal government, and between executive, judicial and legislative branches–and that no singular power should hold sway across them.
Nationalism means commitment to the lines of the map and who belongs inside or out. Patriotism means commitment to protecting the ideals of this nation.
We are Patriots.
(what follows are sample planks of what a BAP position might look and feel like. The #hashtags are bumper sticker memes for each plank)
We are Pro-Life
We acknowledge that life begins at conception but that personhood comes later.
In deciding reproductive law, we need to balance the personhood of an unborn child with the personhood of their living mother. This is difficult and we will never be able to reconcile all of our personal beliefs with national laws.
We believe that an abortion is a significant medical, emotional and even spiritual act that should be held as a last resort in women’s reproductive health care.
In cases of medical uncertainty, the tie must go to the mother to make decisions that involve her own body.
To reduce the incidents of abortion we support widespread free contraception and sex education. We believe that every child should be a wanted and supported child. (currently in the United States 50% of pregnancies are accidental)
But we do not distinguish which side of the birth canal a child finds themself! Mothers and their children deserve full support, before, during and after delivery.
This includes funded pre and post natal care, fourth trimester care and early childhood education and health.
We are Pro Family Values
We believe in the sanctity of marriage--and that loving families form the bedrock of healthy communities.
We believe that committed relationships matter.
We believe children thrive when cared for by a committed family that loves them and enjoys all the legal, social and economic protections available.
(we also believe that who we love is up to us and that family structure has always been fluid and adaptive over time. Committed partners of any orientation and combination should be able to legally file for insurance, visitation and other basic spousal rights)
We believe in the Free Market
But not the rigged system of corporate influence peddling and extractive profiteering we have today!
Sustainable decentralized capitalism.
We believe in entrepreneurial genius, and that capital and innovation should flow freely to solve the problems we face without rent seeking and protectionism from big business or a market-enabled tragedy of the commons.
We do not believe that profits should continue to be privatized with risks socialized.
New industries that deliver pro-social benefit should have access to R&D funding and tax incentives equaling the entrenched legacy industries they seek to compete against (like a TitleIX for entrepreneurs).
Full payment of all taxes by individuals and corporations. No off-shoring!
We support our Troops
We support just wars in defense of democratic and humanitarian values, not as support for geopolitical or corporate advantage.
We cherish our soldiers, not just sending them into harm’s way--but healing wounded warriors when they return home.
Integrating them back into the society they fight to protect. Providing them with training to share their talents in civilian life.
They stand to protect us against tyrants and to defend the defenseless around the world.
We stand to honor their sacrifice.
We believe in Energy Independence
It’s good for our economy and our national security. We know that renewable energy sources like wind, solar, hydro and nuclear are essential strategic elements to keep us free from the influence of foreign dictators and despots and provide us with cleaner water, air and soil.
American electrons for American communities!
We believe in America the Beautiful
That our public lands, national monuments and wild places form an essential part of our national heritage and legacy.
We believe that the right to camp, hunt, fish, and adventure in these places is a birthright of every American.
They should not be sold or rented to companies looking to extract profits from our shared inheritance.
#thislandisourland #americathebeautiful
We believe that Clean Air, Water and Soil…are essential.
We are only as strong as a nation as what we breathe, drink and eat. Republican presidents Teddy Roosevelt established the national parks system and Richard Nixon passed the Clean Air and Water Acts.
Clean water, air and soil are not political--they are essential for a healthy and strong citizenry.
That should be something that every community leader and parent can stand behind.
It’s an issue of national security–we believe in healthy breathing, drinking and eating for all of us and our children now and for always.
We believe in the Melting Pot
That this country is based on opening its doors to the poor, huddled masses of the world, provided they come here to join in the Great Experiment.
We believe in integration, not segregation.
We honor the legacies and beliefs of all immigrants, and believe they should also commit to playing their part upholding the American Dream.
We also believe that citizenship requires knowledge of and respect for American history and governance (and that natural born citizens should pass the same test as immigrants to qualify to vote, just like a driver’s license)
After all, you wouldn’t give every born and raised ‘Merican 16 year old the keys to an F-150 without diligencing their competence first ;)
We believe in Free and Fair Elections
By and for the people.
No Citizens United allowing dark money into our elections--we should all be able to see who is buying influence.
No gerrymandering--we should vote for the leaders inside the obvious boundaries our own communities.
We believe in election security--only citizens should be able to vote (but once verified that process should be as frictionless as possible), and all elections should be free from foreign interference.
No electoral college--designed for a different time and purpose than today, it needlessly skews our representation and creates perverse political incentives.
One person, one vote. Majority wins.
We believe in Dignity for All
We cherish personal initiative and the ability for anyone to pursue their dreams.
We also acknowledge that through illness, injury, aging, or misfortune, not everyone is able to provide for all of their needs all of the time.
We accept Samuel Johnson’s challenge that “a decent provision for the poor is the true test of civilization.”
This means affordable access to health care, social security and disability benefits.
We believe in Civil Liberties
We believe that the government that governs best governs least, and that no one has a right to tell us what goes on in our beds or in our heads.
We believe that our digital data is ours by right and should not be bought or sold or used to control us. Privacy and anonymity are our birthrights.
So that’s just a few ideas on what a Born Again Patriots platform might look like to get started. None are gonna be totally right, but hope you get the general idea of how we could play this game together.
Tried to focus on topics that are coming up in our current culture wars and political debates that also reflect some middle ground we’re not often hearing about.
If we can take Traditional values and actually honor them, while calling up conservatives to fully walk their talk, then Progressive commitments might gain more traction.
There’s a moral center to most people’s worldviews. It’s on us, in the spirit of civic and democratic society, to find it.
The Left will never win trying to convince a large chunk of Americans that their country is bad, wrong, and flawed and that all of their value are bigoted, racists, sexist and stupid. (that’s how the alt-Right demagogues pick up the stragglers).
Progressives can win when they remind their fellow Americans of the Great Experiment this country is founded upon, and inspire us all to step forwards together.
Once again Jamie, brilliantly articulated and I for one, am 100% aligned with your perspectives and solutions.
I like what you did here. We need some sort of solution to break the ideological polarization trap that causes animosity. Loose cannon political candidates attack each other, media replays most idiotic bits, citizens pick a side and vehemently oppose the other based on headlines, and everyone hates each other and nothing productive happens.
Breaking the polarization trap is necessary but difficult. Ideas over wholesale ideology.