Once again Jamie, brilliantly articulated and I for one, am 100% aligned with your perspectives and solutions.

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I like what you did here. We need some sort of solution to break the ideological polarization trap that causes animosity. Loose cannon political candidates attack each other, media replays most idiotic bits, citizens pick a side and vehemently oppose the other based on headlines, and everyone hates each other and nothing productive happens.

Breaking the polarization trap is necessary but difficult. Ideas over wholesale ideology.

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With you all the way. Oh, how I wish we had a candidate who was brave enough to walk the middle road.

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I think most of us middle Americans are pretty aligned in thinking and see how messed up the political stage has become especially for the presidency. We just don't have the money behind us to get to the stage and be heard and we are too busy working and raising our families making the powerful few more money to grow their influence. As we barely hang on to our democracy and move into more of a large oligarchy it's going to be harder and harder to change and time is running out.

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How about #whealatthewheel? Catchy?

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😂 I would buy that shirt!

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This is an absolute Hell yes ! Brilliant articulation of polarity management and finding a middle way to beginning the conversation .

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What a brilliant article Jamie. I really hope that the silent majority of which you speak finally wake up out of their complacency before it's too late. As an outside observer the last 8 years + have been difficult to watch. Netflix is currently running a series called "Hitler and the Nazis evil on trial". It's the story that most of us know about the rise and fall of Adolph Hitler and his band of thugs, bullies, cronies and sycophants from 1923 to 1946. While watching this series this week, the similarities of what has been happening in the US over the past 15 years is eerily similar. My prayers are with the American people on this July 4th Independence day.

Thanks again Jamie for expressing these mindful and encouraging thoughts and sentiments. We need more courageous people like you to sound the wake up call.

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Well framed and exampled. Very thought provoking.

I think the headline needs work. Born again patriots might hit too many scary notes all at once to attract the not-Right. I believe in reclaiming words, but you have use the correct dose to not get yourself in the foot.

How about: New American Dream

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I wish this had come out yesterday so I could have printed it and taken it to our family 4th of July picnic.

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Yes!!! Now to find the candidates that will make this their platform!

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99 percent agree. Electoral College remains.

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How come?

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I like the electoral college because it seems to smooth the distribution of power between large and small states relative to the popular vote. I think it’s far from perfect and I do think it causes wild results at times. I also agree it creates perverse incentives at times - most times maybe. I think there are no doubt better ways - but I’m not ready to cede too much influence to the largest states. I feel the electoral college does a similar job in the presidential race that the structure of Congress and Senate (population weight vs 2 Senators from every state) does in the Legislative branch. I’m sure there are plenty of holes in this argument but as a small state resident it makes sense to me right now. I also think it’s highly unlikely to change as from what I read it would require a constitutional amendment to change.

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Huzzah! #homegrownhumanstwentytwentyeight

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I guess we’re all fed up with Punch and Judy politics.. I can’t say how much this resonates, change US to UK or global citizen for that matter. I’m going to send this my (new) PM tomorrow. Might add a few extra bits

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This article makes me hopeful for the future of our country

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thanks mate! now all we need is a young vital charismatic and competent pol to cut through all the division and sing this kinda song ;)

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I nominate you Jamie!!

I would happily volunteer for the campaign taskforce.

Let's print this out and start passing it out to the people!!

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And make a bumper sticker!

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I love this thougth exploration and wholly agree the middle gets neglected.

I wonder though, that if we keep playing this finite game, will we really get different outcomes?

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I feel like this is a platform that helps the uninitiated have a shot at getting to the infinite game.

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I think we need to jump ship, off the political game and into another of our own innovation and creation that helps all without entitling and uplifting a few!

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Let’s go!

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